US citizenship

US citizenship: What is?

If you are thinking about applying for U.S. citizenship, we will teach you the steps to becoming a U.S. citizen, including how to apply for a green card, sample test questions, and what the naturalization process is. You’ll also find information on dual citizenship, how to get proof of your U.S. citizenship if you were born abroad or how to replace your lost or stolen citizenship certificate and all things immigration, ALL on the Superior Justice blog.

What are the benefits of US citizenship?

Becoming a U.S. citizen is the next logical step for most green card holders, especially if they intend to remain in the United States long-term. U.S. citizenship offers many advantages that are not available to green card holders.


What are the requirements for obtaining US citizenship?

To become a U.S. citizen, all applicants for naturalization must meet the following requirements (unless they qualify for a waiver or apply on the basis of their U.S. military service)

  • Be of the required minimum age (usually at least 18 years of age).
  • Live continuously and physically in the U.S. as a green card holder for a certain number of years.
  • Establish state or U.S. residency.
  • Be of “good moral character”.
  • Be proficient in basic spoken and written
  • English and demonstrate knowledge of U.S. history and government.
  • Enroll in military service (if male of a certain age) and be willing to perform civilian service when required to take an oath of allegiance to the United States.
usa citizenship

Who is considered a citizen?

You are a U.S. citizen if you were born anywhere in the United States or its territories, including Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Persons from American Samoa or Swain’s Island are also considered U.S. citizens for benefit purposes. And if you were born in another country and later naturalized, you are also a U.S. citizen.
Consult with an immigration attorney if you believe these rules apply to you.
Under SNAP, you are not required to verify U.S. citizenship unless DTA finds the information provided to be questionable.
Federal and state SNAP rules allow you to self-declare your U.S. citizenship unless the information you provide is deemed “questionable.”

I am a permanent resident, how can I apply for citizenship?

You can do this by accessing the appropriate forms based on citizenship and naturalization. If your biological or adoptive parent(s) became a U.S. citizen before you turned 18, you may already be a U.S. citizen and do not need to apply for naturalization. For more information, visit the USCIS Citizenship Resource Center, which is designed to help you through the naturalization process.

What law requires birthright citizenship?

 Does the U.S. Constitution expressly require automatic birthright nationality for the children of all legal and illegal aliens? At first glance, the answer is “no.” Nothing in the Constitution specifically addresses how the children of aliens are to be treated with respect to citizenship. The 14th Amendment confers nationality by “naturalization” or birth to persons “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States, but provides no guidance as to when an alien is to be considered subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. The next question, then, is whether any law enacted by Congress specifically mandates the granting of citizenship to the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens. Again, the answer is “no.” The executive branch’s birthright citizenship policy is not based on any federal regulations. Arguably, the practice has become policy without becoming law.

Because the current policy has not been carried through the usual legislative or regulatory processes, it has become official practice without any input from the American public or its elected representatives. According to a recent poll, only 33% of Americans support the practice of granting automatic citizenship to the children of illegal aliens.

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